Feb 10, 2010 journal page

People have asked how I attach the transparencies. Yes, I use tape a LOT for that 'hinge door effect' (also sometimes just for a layered effect). I also use diamond glaze. Just a tiny bit glued in around the edges and I stick that puppy down (sans tape).

New book love: 6 Billion Others. Good pictures and good words=great combo!

Taylor told me about this book. She was right. I needed it. Handmade Graphics.

I love Martha Brown. Who doesn't love Martha? Check out her blog here
. Zombie girl love!!!

Yes, that is another Zinn quote on the above page.


Brian K said…
Gee thanks Kelly! First you get me hooked on pens, then tape, now paint... I have no $$... does it ever end??? Excuse me I have to go buy more tape from etsy...
Sandy said…
I love this page and the quote, so true. Thanks for the links. I do enjoy it when you find great new books and blogs for me to discover too.
martha brown said…
Awwww, thanks Kelly -- you're so sweet :)