31 January 2010 journal page

Mom's leaving today. It was a fun trip that as usual, goes by too quickly. Safe travels, Mom! We miss you already!

Hoping for some down time today. Packed classes at Frenzy Stamper. Fun fun fun!! You guys wore me out. ;) But, I had an AWESOME time. I am still not feeling very well (I have been sick for about a week now) and am a bit behind on email. If I haven't answered your email yet, please be patient and I will respond asap. We drove back home to L.A. yesterday so I'm a bit behind but will be back on track in a day or two.

Starting to prep for my class Saturday, February 13th at The Art Bar. More info here.


Sharyn said…
Sorry you aren't feeling well. Please take care of yourself. We all love and need you!

Happy to hear you had a great time at Frenzy Stamper. I had no doubt that you would :)

Feel better soon!
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
It was a fun time last weekend.
Be well. I'll get Edna on this one, too.