18 January page


One of my new favorite blogs, Joy The Baker!


David, Tristan and I watched A Thousand Clowns the other night. It's the second time I've seen it and I love it. Definitely one worth going out of your way to see! From the film-

"I just want him to stay with me until I can be sure he won't turn into Norman Nothing. I want to be sure he'll know when he's chickening out on himself. I want him to get to know exactly the special thing he is or else he won't notice it when it starts to go. I want him to stay awake and know who the phonies are, I want him to know how to holler and put up an argument, I want a little guts to show before I can let him go. I want to be sure he sees all the wild possibilities. I want him to know it's worth all the trouble just to give the world a little goosing when you get the chance. And I want him to know the subtle, sneaky, important reason why he was born a human being and not a chair."


Yvonne said…
Will be looking for that movie. Love the journal page. Off to check out that new link.
T and J said…
another gorgeous page!
Judi said…
Had a great time today at your Bloom Book workshop. I've been wanting to learn how to put together a book for a very long time and now I have the basic tools to build upon.
Just a note: my blog is:
Check out my profile and you will find more and lots of pictures as well as a few collages.
Take care, Judi Lubeek