11 January journal page

As I write this (Monday afternoon), it's pouring out (yay!). Our power keeps flickering off and on (no!). A day to listen to the rain pour down on the streets of L.A. A day to stay home and make stuff. One of those rare rain days (it's forecast to be a rain week) in La La Land.


Heads up! Teaching this Sunday at the Art Bar. Email them and ask about the film that they are screening, "Who Does She Think She Is?" after my class. I'll be there. Will you?


One of my students from Colorado is looking for a roommate for the weekend of my classes at Frenzy Stamper, Scottsdale AZ in February-

"I have reserved a room with 2 Queen beds up the street from Frenzy Stamper and need a roomie for Fri and Sat night the 5th and 6th of Feb! The cost per night is $40. to you. We can add more people if you aren't fussy about your own bed, or a rollaway. (and the cost would go down) Anyone else going to Scottsdale? Lori also wants to organize a dinner or breakfast meeting with the locals on Saturday?...I think you are local if you are anywhere in AZ or NM ...


Pattie said…
How do you do it! I have tried on several occasions to keep up with a journal with no success. I commend you! Plus all of the pages look so great!
Sandy said…
Great page, glad you're getting some rain. We had a beautiful sunshine day here.
Kelly Kilmer said…
:D I love journaling. To me, it's an essential-like breathing and eating!! It's not always "this is what I did today..." but more snippets of things that I hear, catch and reflect upon.

:) Thanks for the kind words!!!!!!
