Trekking to Santa Monica today...

Teaching at the Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica today.


I stayed up late Friday night reading Peter Kuper's Diario de Oaxaca. I loved it. I am a big fan of Kuper's work, what I've read so far. I loved how real he makes Oaxaca feel, not just some fairy tale faraway land. I was following the events at that time period on the radio and in the news. Kuper's drawings and books make them even more real. I do wish there was more in the book. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot in the book-drawings and journal entries. It just left me wanting more and wondering what was cut out, what we didn't see and read. Definitely worth checking out and one that I would recommend on any artist's book shelf.

Kuper's website here.


I love the ideas here for the upcoming holidays. Love the photo garland idea.


Some ideas for comic book buying for the holidays here. Lots of books on it that we have and lots that we want.

On the want list-

Eddie Campbell's Alec (tops on my list!)

Joe Sacco's Footnotes in Gaza (another top on my want list)

Yoshihiro Tatsumi's A Drifting Life

David Small's Stitches

Marc Bell's Hot Potatoe

There are so many books on the list that I have and would highly recommend. It's a long list, but it's packed with ideas. I mean, really, you can't go wrong with Chris Ware, Lynda Barry, Seth,
Richard Thompson, Dave McKean, Marjane Satrapi, Andy Runton, to name a few...


Lori said…
Just finished Barbara Kingsolver's new fiction about Mexico and the US in the McCarthy era. I loved it.
Lori said…
Kelly where do you get your hand-prints? are they stencils? Henna kits? hmm?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Lori-thanks i'll check the book out!

Those are henna hand stencils. If you google them they come up. I've had friends give them to me over the years.
Zom said…
Lovely kelly, I am sending out a challenge for people to post some of their ugly art journal pages. If you are game, can you link back to this post

It is difficult to imagine you making ugly pages.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Zom,

Thanks! I post all of my pages on my blog soooo...i don't think there is such a thing as an ugly journal page. I think we are our own worst critics and that journal pages are supposed to be about self exploration not pretty art. ;)

There are pages I like more than others, but I tend not to worry about it. I just ask myself if the page says what i want it to say and move on!

Thanks for the kind words!!!
Linda Woods said…
I am afraid to click on all the links you posted or I will be sitting here all day looking at all the goodness!
Thanks for stopping by our blog and sharing your lunch with us :)
Lisa Sonora said…
thanks so much for the tip on the Oaxaca diary. i'm going to put in on my Christmas list!

Oaxaca is my beloved "second home", and I will be there for most of 2010.
