November 15 journal page

Busy weekend prepping for my class on Sunday at Urban Craft Center. It is the last time for a long time that I will be teaching this class so if you're interested, jump on it now!!


Also been working on my A Prompt A Day class for December. I'm still taking sign ups. Yes, I am taking a break from this class. I may offer it again in the future but for now, after December it's done. I will be leaving the site UP and open to anyone who joins for December 2009. You can find more info here. I love the community that's been built on that site and I think it's a great resource for mixed media artists. The people who have been a part of APAD for 2009 have been amazing-thank *you* all.


Holding off on buying a polaroid pogo? Amazon has them on sale *now*. I took the bite.


I have a question for those of you with a DSLR camera, what kind of a bag do you use for your camera? I'd love to hear!!


Sharyn said…
The red Pogo is going to be my Christmas gift from the hubby.

LOVE the 2 page spread. It is beautiful!
Mouseybrat said…
Love the journal pages! The colors are awesome and that bird technique is cool!

I use a Lowepro bag model number Cirrus TLZ 25. It is perfect for my dslr camera with the 28-300mm zoom lens mounted.

You can use as a shoulder bag or the strap is long enough to fasten around the waste and hold the bag in holster fashion.,1914,8.htm
Dawn D. Sokol said…
Hey, thanks for mentioning the Amazon sale...I've been holding off, too, but that's a REALLY good deal! I snapped one up!
~jolene said…
Hey Kelly, are you getting the PoGo camera or printer? The printer looks very interesting! Really looking forward to YOUR review. This sounds so cool for adding photos to our art journals!!! Love the small size it prints and the fact that they are sticky-backed!
lynne h said…
kelly, have you heard anything about using the zink paper after the expiration date has passed? it seems like this is an issue, but i wonder how important the expiration date really is.

very tempting... oh! the thought of traveling and printing out images on the spot!!

Kelly Kilmer said…
i've read lots about it and people aren't happy about it. supposedly the paper i bought from amazon has no expiration date. we shall see... ;)
sharon said…
i use a tamrack backpack style bag, waterproof, with slotted space for extra lenses, lash-ons for a tripod, document flaps, pouches for filters, and 2 exterior mesh slings for water bottles. but then, i mostly shoot out in the field...when i'm shoot in the front country, it does double duty as a camera bag/purse. shooting deep in civilization i'll cram a towel down into an old beat up playmate mini-cooler and nest the camera down in the main compartment, with filters and documentation in the top compartment...yes, it's a little weird, but a camera bag is easily identified as such and makes a tempting target for thieves; they probably aren't that interested in stealing that soggy turkey salad sandwich you've got in the "cooler." okay, i'm paranoid!