November 14 journal page

Today is the National Day of Listening. People are being encouraged to set aside an hour and to record a conversation with someone that you love.

I really want to do this at the next family get together. Set up my camera in the corner on a tripod and just let it record until it runs out of battery.


T and J said…
My dog is a great listener.
martha brown said…
We have a reel to reel tape recorder that we used to do that with (40 years ago!)It is so wonderful hearing the voices of my grandparents (who are gone now) and hearing my little brother saying "Motha won't let me haave a toon(turn)" in his lttle 2 year old voice. My now 40 yr old brother pulls the player out every few years and we all get misty eyed.I think that we'd better put those recordings onto cd before the machine dies. Can't believe that it still works. They don't make 'em like they used to!