Books to keep an eye out for in 2010

Mark your calendars! Here's what to look for next year in books-

Art Making & Studio Spaces: Unleash Your Inner Artist: An Intimate Look at 31 Creative Work Spaces Lynne Perrella January 1st
Write Your Memoir Allan G. Hunter-January 1st-
Collage Lab by Bee Shay-February 1-
Creative Mixed Media-Sherrill Kahn Feb 8th-
Mixed Media Dollhouses-Oliveau and Molina-March 1st-
Print and Stamp Lab by Traci Bunkers-April 1st-
Playing With Books by Jason Thompson-April 1st-
Collage, Colour and Texture in Painting-Bernard and Capon-April 6th-
No picture available-
Journal Junkies Workshop by Scott and Modler May 20th

Masters of Collage-June 1st-
Creative Wildfire by L.K. Ludwig-June 1st-Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim July 1st-
Collage Playground by Kimberly Santiago- July 1st
Last, but not least-
Lynda Barry's Nearsighted Monkey-September 2009
What else is coming out next year that I don't know about? I will update this list as I find out!


Lori said…
You will have to keep us updated as I will go crazy tying to wait for a book until April or July! Makes my mouth water just looking at the covers.
Diva Kreszl said…
wow!!! I am going to have to make room in my library for more husband will not be happy :)
Sharyn said…
I think getting gift cards to Borders, Barnes and Noble, a local bookstore and/or Amazon might be a good holiday idea!!!
T and J said…
Thank you for posting this.
I told my husband when I die that he can cremate me with all my books since that's where I spent all his money on while I was alive :)
Raine said…
Oooooooooooooo! Consider them all pre-ordered on Amazon! I love your book lists. You find out what good books are in the future. A book psychic!!!!
Brian K said…
Hmmm thank you for posting all this new book goodness! Have a wonderful day! I hope everything goes well with your Dad.
Sandy said…
Oh goodness Kelly, you keep me so busy. But thank you for your work in keeping us updated on the wonderful books. Hope you're having a great day.
Judy Shea said…
Some of those really peak my interest, Kelly.. thanks for sharing that and all that you share in general.
martha brown said…
Well, there goes my disposible income for the year......
Renee Troy said…
Thanks for the heads up on these great books and all your sharing.
Anonymous said…
How lucky we all are that there is a kind Kelly out there for show us an awesome list of upcoming GREAT promising and exciting books.
I wish you get this year all that is on YOUR personal list...I love that you wrote that you love "old diaries, journals and things that have been loved long ago"..I share this love with you...
Taylor schapiro said…
Well that should keep us busy for awhile, esepecially busy with anticipation.
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
Stop! Do you think we are made of money or something? I am still trying to catch up on the ones I have already bought and now I NEED more.
Seth said…
Always love your book recommendations. A lot of these are new to me. Thanks!!