Totally and completely in love...

I have become more finicky about what books I buy. I won't buy anything sight unseen anymore unless it's something rare that I know I won't ever see in a bookstore. In my small opinion it's about damn time we start having more books published filled with mixed media art instead of solely how to books. When will our art form actually be recognized on it's own?

I have been waiting for Scraps by Elsebeth Gynther and Christine Clemmensen to arrive at the local bookstore. It turns out I've been waiting awhile for Scraps to be published in the U.S. I remember seeing it online but the exchange rate from Denmark to the U.S. just too cost prohibitive for me at the time.

Scraps packs alot in it's 128 pages. It's FULL of art. It's FULL of inspiration. Yes, there is a lot of how to but it's not your typical how to book. It's now one of those books that says you must do this and here are the images and everything precise that you must use. It's more my stye of how to, meaning, it's more "here's a plethora of different ideas you can use and adapt to your own style". Perfect! I haven't read the book yet only flipped through the pages several times. It definitely has earned a place on the shelf.

Elsebeth Gynther's blog

Christine Clemmensen's blog



Susan - said…
Thanks for the info - I checked out these sites and LOVE their work. I can understand why you want their book!
*jean* said…
thank you for sharing the book and the two authors blogs! i look forward to visiting regularly!
lee said…
thanks for sharing the information, I love the books you recommend and have ordered quite a few of them...
Seth said…
Thanks for the heads up and the blog links!