On the road again....

Off to Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale!!! Looking forward to another fun filled weekend!!!!

How is it October 1st already???

David and I saw Inglorious Bastards last night. Hated it. Boring.

On my wish list-
More Things Like This
Where The Wild Things Are soundtrack...it keeps staring me in the face and whispering in my ear


Lindart said…
Inglorius Basterds is either a love it or hate it movie. I absolutely loved it, as did my Film Major daughter. I think we both saw things in this movie that a lot of people miss, a lot of humor, a lot of references to other movies and genres (did you notice the mole on Mike Meyers face? referenced to Austin powers - I kept expecting it to travel!). I thought it was an amazing emotional film, and one that had the perfect ending - that we all hoped would happen (to Hitler) but never really did. The Director takes a lot of liberties and has amazing creativity. You just have to ignore the gore, which has its part in this movie, I just don't like to watch it.
Lindart said…
Oh, and the Soundtrack was AMAZING!!
TonyaA said…
This looks cool! I bet it will be a great little book when it is finished.
Blessings, peace, and love to you,
Kelly Kilmer said…
Linda, I GOT the jokes. The whole film was basically Once Upon A Time in the West. It was boring. I didn't give a rats ass about any of the characters.

It was boring and poorly written.
Both my husband and I have studied film, my husband especially.

Very very talky but unlike his other films boring talk. The other films were GREAT when they talk talk talk. This, no.

It's very hard to ignore the gore when it's a major part of the film.
Samie said…
Have a copy of the soundtrack, if you're interested. Have been playing the song from the trailers non-stop. ;)
Hi Kelly- I discovered your blog recently and am finding it so inspiring! I am hoping to take one of your "prompt a day" classes in the near future. I mentioned your blog on my blog post today and added a link. Hope that's okay. Thanks for the inspiration!

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