My new journal

Here's a little teaser of the cover.

FYI, while you can still get it (and I have yet to see it locally so I may have to order it online), Maira Kalman is on the cover of the October the Artist's Magazine.

Janice Lowry is in the November edition of the Smithsonian (make sure you click on the journal to see more pictures) and recently in the LA Times.

Alisa Golden has a new book out! I had no idea!!!! Grr Amazon doesn't have a sneak peek inside of it. I'm on the lookout for it locally! My friend Marcy gave it a great review on Amazon and if Marcy likes it, it has to be good.

My Book Wish List right now-

David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries

Map As Art


lynne h said…
your new journal has my heart beating fast, kelly! and thanks for all the great links! xo
Jeane Frizzell said…
Oooh! I think I am in love with your new journal! :)
Zoe, ontheroad said…
Kelly looks like a great old timer this journal.

I have been struggling with deciding on size, what is your favourite size to work in?
Kelly Kilmer said…
I actually don't have a favorite size. I like to vary all of the books that I work in. They run a whole range of sizes. Big is easy for me but small is hard so I am always making different size books to push myself. I hope this helps!
Zoe, ontheroad said…
Thanks, Kelly. My question was somewhat motivated by your "new" journal which looks small(er).

I'd like to try to move from small, tight to bigger, looser.
Kelly Kilmer said…
It's actually bigger than the last one. The last one was about 4x6 maybe? This new one is taller. It was an old book that needed a new life.
Sandy said…
Love the new journal.
amy said…
I love the new journal cover! Two of my favorite symbols!
Seth said…
Oh I do love this one Kelly. Can't wait to see it full!