The most happiest place...

may not be that place in Anaheim but a candy store like shop in South Pasadena called Zinnia.
You need to make sure when you are in a store like this to look up, down and all around.
You never know what you may find (the next two pictures are of the FLOOR).Would you believe this is the door of the bathroom?
A week from this Saturday, on October 24th at 3:50 p.m. Zinnia will allow the public to purchase the artwork below (350 pieces total!). They hope to have the whole teaser preview show up by next Wednesday so you can make note of what you want and where it 3:50 p.m. I know there will be a feeding frenzy! Thankfully, the family of my friend Shoshanah (of Hannah Grey fame) allowed me to steal away Shosh while they went and had fun meeting a certain famous Mouse and riding in the front of big aluminum tubes. After a delicious breakfast at the Original Pancake House in Anaheim, we took our boys to the Lego Store in Anaheim. I'm not sure who was more impressed the boys or the adults! I witnessed at least two adults, possibly three, delighting in the purchasing of lego toys for themselves. Before dropping Tristan off at home, we also stopped by The World Famous Golden Apple Comics on Melrose. A quick stop at Starbucks for tea and then on to South Pasadena to Zinnia where we were oohed and ahhed with the treasures that are abound there. We also hit a local yarn store and the antique store across the street from Zinnia. A quickie stop at the Evil M Store for some more yarn for Shosh. Our last shopping stop of the day was at Kino Buy It All, I mean Kinokuniya in Little Tokyo. Um, warning!!! THEY HAVE THE M-T MASKING TAPE from Japan and you won't believe the prices OR the selection. I was enthralled. We ended our night at Coldstone eating ice cream and watching the fireworks across the street from the Big Theme Park. It was a very very fun day and the only sad thing is that I probably will now have to wait a very long time before I see Shosh again! Though our wallets may be grateful for that!
Special thanks to my family and to Mike, Grandma and the Ever Delightful Grey for letting the Mommies let the hair down and have a Girls' Grand Day Out!


Shoshanah said…
it was most fun, but wwwwaaaaaayyyyyy too short! 10 or 11 hours isn't enough! : )
Laura T. said…
Love the pics of Zinnia - it looks so yummy!!!! And I think I saw someone's way cool journals on a shelf in there ;)
Marissa said…
The floors remind me of your journal layouts. Wow! It was cool that they let you take pictures too.
Jeane Frizzell said…
I am so jealous that I wont see the display at Zinnia in person! Yay for hanging out with Shoshanah!
Mouseybrat said…
I wish I knew of any stores like that around where I live....
Samantha Hankey said…
That store looks amazing! Especially the halloween section!