Inside cover page of my new journal

The weather is hinting at rain next week in Los Angeles. *Rain* I am clasping my hands together and turning my head to the sky scouting for it. It feels like it. It feels like Fall. This is the time of year where I am most happiest. October is my month. Fall is my season.

Tristan and I dropped off my panels along with Jane and Jeane's panels at Zinnia yesterday for their 350 Carbon Event (on 10/24). The new shop looks FABULOUS. Tristan could have hung out all day playing with the shop kitty (soooooooo cute). You MUST stop by and see Joe's exhibit that is currently up. The shop is full of cool Halloween goodies. Zinnia also has tape!!!! IN STOCK! Lots of tape from Tapeswell. The store is chock full of color left and right. I must have walked around the store about 12 times and I still hadn't seen everything. I can't wait to visit again. I am eagerly awaiting 3:50 p.m. on the 24th. It's not just because I turn 35 that day. It's the day and time when they will open the gallery up to show off the yummy art panels that artists from all over the place have donated to the 350 Carbon Event. Art on your birthday is a very very good idea, indeed! Especially art that goes to a good cause. You can preview the show a couple of days before it opens and the art is for sale. Don't wait though because once the art has been sold, it's outta there!

Also thanks to Terry G. for telling me that Alisa Golden's "new" book that I mentioned yesterday is not "new" but a republished book from a couple of years ago. I thought the title sounded familiar.


Sandy said…
The inside looks even better. :)
suki.luvs.u said…
Hi Kelly!
Blogger doesn't like me, so I'm using my daughter's email ; )
I wanted to say that I find a lot of us Creatives love fall! It seems to be our time of year! Nothing is more pleasing to me than to sit at my kitchen table, early mornings on a bright (or cloudy!) fall day with a big mug of hot coffee and my journal ready and waiting for me to make my mark... ; )
Take it easy!