Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!

Today is my favorite day of the year! I'll be super crazy busy today. I have a class at the Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica. November's A Prompt A Day starts tonight after 8 p.m. so that means I'll be uploading new prompts and taking care of business for a few hours between 7 and 10 pm then it's time to watch some of our favorite horror films. I'm not sure exactly what we'll be watching but here are some of my favorites-

Dellamorte Dellamore aka Cemetery Man


Some favorite Halloween films here.


femminismo said…
Those Halloween films sound great. Covens, ballet schools, cemeteries. Sex! For a minute, on that one journal page, I thought that was actually your foot. I was so jealous because they are so cute! Then I realized they were cut from magazines. Fun stuff on these pages. Love the gorgeous fems! Saw your comment on Seth's page. His book looks cool, no?
What a wonderful class you taught today at UCC, Kelly. Thanks so much for your excellent instruction, your patience, and compassion with slow learners like me.