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A few more days and I'll be in Oregon
I'm looking for very old cemeteries in No CA and OR that are worth stopping by for cool tombstones, etc... Actually, any place cool to take pictures is what we're looking to do! Mom loves taking pictures (especially of scenery). Huge thanks to everyone for the recommendations of places to go and things to see.
There is still room in my workshops at Art On A Lark. Please click here for more info.
I have recently discovered your work and really like it. So inspiring! I was wondering how you prep your journal pages.. I have tried gesso, but it hasn't worked out very well... thanks for any suggestions!
By the way, can't wait for you to schedule a class in San Diego. Also, are planning on teaching in Madison, WI at the Art and Soul Retreat?
Thanks again!
I actually don't prep my pages. I don't use gesso or anything special. The only time I use gesso is for special f/x type things or if there truly is some surface that I need to prep. I work on my pages 'as is'. Sometimes I paint them. Sometimes I collage on them. Sometimes I do both. ;)
No, I didn't submit to teach at Art and Soul this year or next. Hopefully I will have time to send something in for 2011!