Back to school...

Tristan starts his first day of school today! We're homeschooling him through CAVA, through the K-12 program.

I finished The Elegance of the Hedgehog. I *loved* it. I was very sad and teary (okay, the flood gates were open wide) the last two chapters. I am now reading her second book, Gourmet Rhapsody. When I'm done with that, I may go back and read The Elegance... again!


T and J said…
VERY lucky kid to have you as a Mom
and to get homeschooled.

Your Dad's candle finished burning last night. Is he doing well?
hur seoul said…
Hi Kelly
I absolutely love your blog and love going through your posts for inspiration. I was wondering for this post, the one of you holding the sparkling heart. What did you print this out on? A lot of your altered pages seem to have a nice photo cut out.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks Jackie for the kind words. I didn't print it out. It's a magazine image that a friend gave to me.
They're actually journal pages, it's not an altered book. ;)
Thanks again!

Tasha-thank you so much. I sent you a private note since I have your email ;)
I agree that your son is very lucky to have you as his mom! I am curious as why you want to home school him though, I am not too familiar with that. How is your dad? Angelica
Kelly Kilmer said…
I'm actually going through an online school with a set curriculum. We're not homeschooling for religious (I'm not religious), political (ya'll know where I stand on that ground-lol) or any kind of reason like that. We're home schooling because honestly, our choices are extremely limited in the neighborhood we live in. The one middle school he was supposed to go to-every day last year that he went, he'd come home and go to school crying. It was insane. I felt like I was taking my boy to a prison every day. There would be two 'people' standing in front of the school daily screaming-SCREAMING-at the kids. The teachers were screaming at the kids constantly. There were teachers who didn't care. There were typical mean kids and kids who were beyond mean. It was just insane. I've never ever had Tristan act the way he had been for that week. We pulled him out after a week and enrolled him in a local elementary school that added a 6th grade. It was like I my boy was alive and normal again after that. He LOVED his school He flourished. He did well. He made new friends. He went to school smiling. I picked him up and he was smiling. So, we thought for this year that we'd try this program.

That being said, it is a charter school. I'm not a big fan of charter schools. They take money away from our public schools. I feel very guilty for doing it this way, but honestly, we don't have any other choice as there isn't another school that is close to us where we'd be able to enroll him. So we're going to try it and see what happens!

He's got a set curriculum. We log into the site daily and follow what it says.
Well that just pisses me off, i take that personal, what kind of staff do they have over there that dont protect the kids right? my school is zero tolerance for that kind of stuff, so sorry Tristan had to put up with that crap, I am glad you made the move. My son just made a move too, realized it was a mistake, moved him back, but at least you know you tried, because as a mother, his pain, is your pain, LOL, Angelica
Kelly Kilmer said…
I don't just blame the's the whole environment. would you want to be in a school setting where everyone is screaming, fighting, yelling and what not daily? would you want to be in a classroom where some of the kids or the teachers just don't care? It sets the whole tone the minute those kids walk into school daily with adults screaming at them about their clothes. It made me NUTS.