Alphabet stamp and number sets for sale-update

I posted about these sets the other day. I only have ONE SET available right now. I will not be reordering these any time soon (I'm not even sure if I can reorder!!). If you've been debating about whether or not to order, now is the time!!! They are $20 a set and that includes an alphabet set and a number set. You can find out more here.

To order, please use the paypal button below or you can email me at

Remember, once these are gone, they're gone!!




Lisa Gallup said…
I got mine today! They are gonna make journaling with stamps sooooo much easier!!! Thanks for shipping them so quickly! xoxo
Ruth said…
Mine arrived today too! They are so compact, perfect for journaling on the road. I may even add them to my supplies for this weekend's class in Oregon!
maz said…
Hi Kelly- I just ordered these so hope they are still available:))) (hope hope hope....) As I live in the UK will let let me know if I need to pay any more postage? Thanks so much!