Teaching this weekend in Whitman, MA

Am crazy busy (but having fun!!) teaching this weekend for the Stamp Act in Whitman, MA. I'll be blogging though!

Yesterday I scored a 10 lb ledger. Not sure how to get that puppy back to CA, though.


Becky New said…
USPS media mail. As long as there are not *advertisements* in it, this is cheapest way.
Anonymous said…
Hey Kelly
OOOOO 10 lb ledger !!!! Can we seee it ?
Box and ship store ... thats what I do when I visit my friend in Nashville ......
many many goodies !!!!

Have a good class !

Kat Parke
crimsoncat05 said…
great score with the ledger!! (is it too big to fit under the seatback on the plane?? or will you have to buy the ledger its own seat?? lol!)
Jeane Frizzell said…
I'm finally getting a chance to "catch up" from the week. I saw your amazing journal page and missed journaling! I have to remember to make it a priority. :) Thanks for the push.
Sandy said…
This is an awesome page Kelly. Wow, what a wonderful find, I agree with media mail, it doesn't take as long as most think either. Well in my area it doesn't. I hope you had a great time teaching.