New Japanese books!

First up, is the book on the right-Les Carnets de collages des Parisiennes
ISBN 978-4-573-01235-6
It's the book that started my search. I saw it mentioned on a blog and the pictures inside made me drool. damnit. I love the Japanese books. I can't read a stitch of them, but I LOVE the pictures. Follow the links and you will see MORE pictures of the inside pages.
Followed by Deco girly a Paris
ISBN 978-4-573-01230-1
The main website to order both books is here. I had problems with the site so I emailed them and ordered directly. The books came FAST.

I don't know what it is about these little books, other then I adore them. I've amassed a collection of them and I love looking at them.

Speaking of COOL books, Sonja Ahlers has copies of her Fatal Distraction book on her etsy shop ( I LOVE HER BUNNIES!!! They are on my wish list.). She's also working on two NEW books. Excited, YES?


lisa_crofts said…
Hi Kelly, Love your blog by the way wish i could take a class but i live far away....your always telling us great things to do and read...may i suggest you go to this exhibition because i cant and it looks awesome...I love every single interpretation of this wonderful book.