more books to keep an eye out for...

Terry Taylor's EcoBooks-
Bee Shay's Collage Lab-
Alma de la Melana Cox's Collage Fusion-
Elsebeth Gynther's Scraps-
Elizabeth Siegel's Playing with Pictures-
Paperwork: Peter Clark-
Ethan Bodnar's Creative Grab Bag-
I guess it really is time to clean off the bookshelf.


Anonymous said…
maaaaaaaaaaaaan! Kelly, stop TORTURING me! *grin* I want ALL of these new books, but unless I win the lotto....

Thanks for pointing them out!
Sharon said…
Hey Thanx Kelly for showing where my checks are going for a while. I love books. It must have to do with paper!!! Sharon
Anonymous said…
Oh, boy, between this post and the last one I am going to be soooooooooo broke!
Oh dear. I have such a love/hate relationship with these posts. LOL!!! I love, love, love, books, but I do try to budget. I was ahhing over yesterday's and my husband decided a trip to the book store this weekend was in order. Let's hope we still have grocery money left . . . .
lynne h said…
yeah, well as i was sayin'... DEADLY!

; )

Unknown said…
*sob* *sob* - its like waveing juicy carrots in front of a hungry rabbit (me). Wish I could get them all.
Won't get to see or touch those until I go back west - (next year)

Thanks for letting us know about them.
martha brown said…
Oh great, more books! I will need many lifetimes to read all of the words in the books that I already own......But I'm making a valiant effort......
Kelly Kilmer said…
I usually like to scope out the books before I actually buy them. My guess is out of the two lists I posted, I won't even buy 10% of the books. Most are too heavy on the 'how to' when I want the art and the WHY behind them. ;) I do like to post lists like this so we all have a handy reference guide to what's coming out!
Seth said…
Most of these I did not know about. Thanks for making the choosing so easy!!