Journaling on the road

I haven't been spending as much time as I want to on my journal pages while I'm visiting family. I have, though, managed to work in my journal, in some way, every day.

I've been doing the collage pages the day before and then writing in them the next day. I haven't been working with a ton of stuff. I've been trying to limit myself to stuff on hand, though I did dip into my new rubber stamps.

My must haves-
collage ephemera (I filled a small plastic iris case with collage stuff-images, background papers and stickers)
glue sticks-coccoina is my favorite
a couple of favorite pens (see the list on the right)
tape (a few rolls) (see the list on the right)

When I'm limited to what I can carry, I bring a glue stick, the little plastic iris photo case with collage stuff, a couple of pens and my journal).

You don't need a ton of stuff to be able to express yourself in your journal and document life on the go!


Kath said…
I really like this post, I've only just come across the whole idea of art journaling and am very excited to start my own. It's very heart-warming to read that I don't need to go out and buy lots of fancy things to get myself going.
Looking forward to getting going with what I have and then building up my collection of 'stuff'.
Sandy said…
Beautiful spread. I love the sticker in the upper right hand side. And the colors look great together. You're so right, you don't need a lot to journal. I need to start back up, I miss it so much.
Stampmaiden said…
Hi Kelly! Great ideas on which basic journaling tools are a must and how to carry them around. Thanks!
Seth said…
A good reminder that one doesn't really need that much to get their page on!!