Books to keep an eye out for

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger-
Alec: The Years Have Pants by Eddie Campbell-
Keri Smith's This Is Not A Book-
Live & Learn: Expressive Drawing-
Aspect Art: Art As The Soul's Journey-
Isobel Hall's Embroidered Books-
Ruth Rae's Layered, Tattered and Stitched-
Lynne Perrella's Art Making and Studio Spaces-
Diana Trout's Journal Spilling-
Creative Time and Space: Making Room for Making Art by Rice Freeman-ZacheryOoh! 2009 has been a good year for yummy looking books!!!!

Anything I'm missing that hasn't come out yet this year? Jumping from page to page at Amazon can be a dangerous thing!


Taylor schapiro said…
Time to start cleaning out your book shelves again.
martha brown said…
I can't wait to buy so many of these! How about this book -- Creative Grab Bag -- it looks so fun! (please excuse me if you've blogged it already)
Sandy said…
Thanks for the links Kelly, some great books on this list.
trish said…
Looks like allot of good reads! Thanks Kelly;)
lynne h said…
kelly, you are deadly. deadly!!

Seth said…
Thanks as always Kelly! Some great ones here.
Shanta Devi said…
Thanks so much for the Journal Spilling recommendation - the book looks great - unfortunately, October 9th is a bit of wait to get it (but more time to journal!), and it looks so good, too! Eeep. :)