Kawaii Book

The class is from 1230 to 430. You can phone the store at 310-391-0466 to sign up. The class description is below. This is my last So CA class until September!!! You can find my summer workshop schedule for Art Unraveled in AZ, Ink About It in Westford, MA and The Stamp Act in Marshfield MA here.
Kawaii Book
Kawaii has a couple of different meanings in Japanese, but CUTE is the one that stands out. It is also used to define many of various kinds of decorative designer packing tape. In this class, you will get to dig deep into my collection of decorative tape. We will create a one of a kind book with a fun stitch! You will then dive right in learning new and unusual mixed media and collage techniques. We will be incorporating the TAPE onto the pages as we go. If you’ve never used decorative tape before, this is the class for you! If you have a passion and a love for deco tapes, then this is also the class for you! All are welcome! IF you have your own personal tape that you have been itching to use, please bring some to class. But please note, that the teacher does NOT travel lightly and has several huge bags filled with goodies for you to use and enjoy in class.
Supply list: Scissors, small selection of favorite collage ephemera, bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels, permanent black inkpad, container to hold water, 3 1" brushes to glue and paint (I like chip or bristle brushes)