June 22, 2009 journal page

FYI, The info is UP on The Stamp Act's blog about my workshops there in August. You can click here for more info. Pictures and descriptions, too! I really can't wait!! The Stamp Act is one of my favorite stores!! I will also be at another favorite location in MA, Ink About It in Westford. Both stores are actively taking sign ups now. I have a link here to my summer workshop info including CO, AZ, MA and So CA.

Not Paper is one of my favorite blogs. Make sure you check out her interview with Camilla Lekebjer.

Mayamade's great idea for a travel pillow or child's pillow.

David Fullarton's blog. Check it out. I've blogged about him before. Ya need his book.

Maira Kalman update.

Eddie Campbell interviewed on Inkstuds. I'm quite sad he won't be at CCI this year. He's not a cranky old man, definitely a damn brilliant artist and always worth listening to (and not just for the accent and I'm not saying this 'cause I know he has a google alert). Plus, he's always nice to my boy which makes him tops in my book. Looking forward to Alec: The Years Have Pants in September.


Oh... Mercy said…
Come to new jerseeeeeyyyyyy

whine, whine, whine!!!