June 16, 2009 journal pages

I've been reading Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything the last couple of days. Fascinating and quite an interesting read! Who knew science could be written in such an 'every man' kind of way. Two thumbs up! I may have Tristan read this...or at least maybe read it with him.

Quiet weekend at home. I spent most of it working. If I wasn't working on a Prompt A Day for July, then I was making up collage grabbags (sorry, all gone).I did manage to eek out a few journal pages, but not as many as I would have liked to have done.


Sandy said…
These look great Kelly. I love the dancing feet and the owl.
Kelly said…
Great journal pages. Thanks for sharing. I love the owl. THe colors are fabulous.
Jeane Frizzell said…
I love that owl!