The Journey Book

Here's a teaser peek at my "Journey Book" sample. I'll be debuting this class on Sunday, July 12th at Stampin From The Heart in L.A. Yes, the stitch is the long stitch with chain. It's super easy and a ton of fun, plus it looks COOL.

I had off yesterday, but spent all day working on my July A Prompt A Day class. It's really a kick working from my own prompts. It's surreal. It's not like I don't know they're mine, I do, but I wrote them and I tend to forget what I wrote until I sit down to do the prompts. I've been keeping two journals. I have my regular journal and I have my APAD journals. I LOVE working in both. They're quite different. My APAD journals I work from the same prompts that my students are working from. It's really a push and pull experience. I've been keeping a journal for years and yet I'm still learning. We all are. That's one of the best things about keeping a journal. It's an ongoing learning experience and you're documenting it all the way.


Viki said…
Love the shape of this journal. Long and narrow.
Looking forward to the July prompt a day too. Getting excited.
Maija said…
I love the shape and size of this journal, Kelly!
crimsoncat05 said…
interesting stitching, and the size and shape is great!!
Green Girl said…
i love journals, and this one surely gets my attention:) i would love to sign up if i just live nearby! thanks for dropping by my blog today =)
Karen Campbell said…
I also have to echo that I looove this size and shape! I hope you bring it with you to the Artist Nook. It looks like another class I might have to talk you into teaching here next year :)

I'm also keeping your Dad in my prayers,Kelly.