May 27th journal page

Today is the last day of my A Prompt A Day for May, 2009. I will be putting up June's information tonight. I'm looking forward to it. May was a wonderful, wonderful group. I know June's group will be just as amazing.

I took Tristan to a free tabletop film making class yesterday at 826LA. I found out about the class via Andrew's post (here) and his trip to 826NY. If you don't know more about 826 National, find out about it here. It's a great organization with services for kids at seven locations across the country.

So, I walked around Echo Park for a wee bit yesterday afternoon. I took some pictures and mostly spent some time investigating the area. My journal was calling me. So, I spent an hour in my car with my small stash of a journal bag (I used Jeane's bag she made me as a journal bag. OH, HOW I LOVE THIS BAG!). I did 4 pages in about an hour. I had a blast! I work from my own prompts to give my students different ideas and ways of doing a journal page. I always take step by step, different idea photos for my online class so I was doing that sitting in the car. LOL It must have looked funny to anyone walking by as I was shooting down into my lap. I would have kept working, but 3:00 came quickly.

It was a very very good day!


GoodchefT said…
shooting down into your lap ?
Heck that passes for normal around here.
Barbara Hagerty said…
Love your journal pages, as always!!! ...and adding to GoodchefT's comment, (shooting down into your lap) would pass for normal in any of the cities 826 is in!! Oh, how I wish there was an 826PHX! Thx for blogging about it. The pics on Andrew's site make me drool!
Sandy said…
Great pages Kelly. What a great idea to go to the park to journal. I couldn't do that here, it's a smaller town and I know too many people, I'd never get any journaling done from eveyone I'd be talking too. LOL I'd love to take my journal with me when we go out of town to Starbucks and work in it there though. Hmmmmm.

Great link, I'm going to be following Andrew's blog now.