May 15th journal page

Some other stuff-

I love Souther Salazar.

I know I can do it myself, but how frickin' cute is this?

Kira is doing some cute videos over here. Love her work!

Boys are funny, especially my boy. I had to go to the post office on Tuesday. I picked up Tristan from school and off we went to the PO. He wasn't overly enthusiastic about going to the PO. He has been happy though because I have been letting him sit in the front passenger seat the last few days. Any ways, we get to the PO and he's walking in front of me. I swear I saw the light bulb go off in his head. "SIMPSONS STAMPS!" he yells and RUNS off and into the post office. I have never seen a 12 year old boy SO excited to go to the post office. Too bad they didn't come out with postage stamps of Cartoon Network stuff, more comic book and other things that he loves more often, eh? ;)


Mindy said…
I have to admit I got a charge out of the Simpsons stamps, too! lol
Debbie said…
yep...I had to run right out & get the Simpson's stamps, the last sheet they had at my little local PO the other day.

Tristan has great taste!
BT said…
Your blogs are stunning. Simpsons stamps? No wonder he was pleased!