
I now interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post for a book post.

Yes, a book post. Go, run, squealing from the room if ya don't want to read about any new books, fairly new books, or books that have planted themselves next to my bedside for no reason other then I love them-

Bazaar Style

along the same lines, Flea Market Style

I recommend,um, both.

Like I Give a Frock-I love the illustrations in this one and it's funny, too.
I've had my eyes open for a copy of Rob Ryan's book in my travels and I found one for $2 when I was in Scottsdale drooling over Tara McPherson toys at Urban Outfitters. $2, how can you beat that?!?!
Christine Mason Miller recommended The Gift and I've been reading that off and on lately and enjoying it. That being said, if you don't have Christine's book and you want ONE book from this list-you NEED hers.
Here's The Gift-

Here's Christine's book, her website here. I really can't tell you how much I love this book and think that everyone NEEDS it-
Last but not least, I was slow to catch the boat on this one, but I LOVE this-
LOL, so whomever Anonymous was that left a comment saying they need a book fix, I hope you're happy!! HEE HEE! 'cause everyone else is probably pissed that I put up another book list!
;) just kidding!


martha brown said…
I didn't ask for it -- but thank you for the book fix.....
Anonymous said…
Anonymous is indeed very very happy, and so is Thank you Kelly!!!! Let the book nay sayers be pissed off....I won't lose sleep over the criticism....your book selections totally rock!!!
Jeane Frizzell said…
Pissed??? How could we be pissed?
Anonymous said…
I did the coolest thing today and just thought I'd share with you. You know those cards that you open and they play music? Well I carefully dissected one and put it into my inspiration journal for my art work on the section about music so now when you open the journal to the music page it actually plays music.
It was intense. ^_^
Sandy said…
I knew not to click on this blog post.....LOL Great links.
Seth said…
ALWAYS love your book review posts!
Anonymous said…
Love the book if I don't get myself into enough trouble bookwise! LOL! Headed out to Paper Source and got me some paper and a few stamps. Lead me not into temptation....Oh, what absolute fun!
winterchild said…
OMG.. I have been trying to find a cheap copy of *This Is For You* for ages!!! I adore that book but books are really expensive in NZ....