journal page from April 20, 2009 and some other stuff...

Found out yesterday morning that I can now add myself to the long list of identity theft victims. GRRRRRRR! I logged in to pay my credit card bill only to discover that there was a weird charge on my account for over $100 worth of FLOWERS that I did NOT order. (I've never paid $100 in my life for flowers!) I also noticed that my almost paid off card only had $44 left on it! WTF? I called the credit card company (who were very nice and helpful) and spoke with 3 different people. I found out I wasn't responsible for the charges (lots of $ on CLOTHING. WTF? I don't shop at Macy's or Coldwater Creek!) but the whole thought of it is SCARY!!!!!!!!!! I have paperwork coming that I have to fill out. I did go to the West Hollywood Sheriff's office and filed a report. Lesson learned-check your credit cards and check them often. Someone out there is a big fucking asshole!

Then, I go to Paper Source in Pasadena and they tell me that MY glue stick has been discontinued. They do not know if that means by just them or by the company. GRRRRRRRR.

I have some new books to tell you about...within the next few days! This is a teaser ;)


On a very sad note, I wanted to tip my hat to Mr. Sal Guarriello who passed away unexpectedly last week. Mr. Guarriello helped us a couple of years ago when we had major landlord problems. He went out of his way to help us and I will never forget what he did for us. Thank you, Mr. Guarriello for being such a good citizen, good man and a good politician.


Raine said…
I'm so glad that you were able to resolve your identity theft issue. I had a similar problem a year or so ago. I don't have any credit cards but I check my bank account online on a daily basis. There are some people who are not very open to the idea of online banking but if I didn't check my account every day I could have had my entire account wiped out. I can be a little anal at times (who me?!?!? Say it ain't so!!!! *giggle*) but there are times when it works for me. So if any of you have been hesitant to do your banking online, thinking that it's dangerous and will make identity theft easier, I'm here to say that is absolutely the opposite. If I'd waited for my bank statement, I'd probably have been wiped out. So check you accounts DAILY, people!!! Instead of wasting time worrying, you'll have more time to make ART!
Sherry Goodloe said…
LOVE that journal page with the bird Kelly!
Sandy said…
That sucs....I hope you get it worked out soon. And I hope they're not discontinuing the glue stick. I just discovered and fell in love with it. UGH. So sorry about the loss of Sal.