April 26, 2009 journal page

Here's another sneak peek into my May A Prompt A Day journal pages-

I'm still taking sign ups!!

Oh! One thing I'm excited about is that I'm going to be adding collage sheets available for each month to those sign up for the class. I have lotsa ideas up my sleeves!!!

Free Comic Book Day is THIS SATURDAY, May 2nd!!! Tristan and I can't wait!! We will be going HERE and standing in line with our other favorite fellow geeks to meet the one and only, William Shatner. Can we say excited??
Anyone want to join us in line? LOL

In an update to yesterday's post about books, Karen Michel's new book arrived last night and from two quick flip throughs, it looks FABULOUS!!!!


Sandy said…
Kelly that page is awesome. I love the colors.

And I'm so excited for May. I'm ready and I plan to start tonight with May 1st. :)

You're tempting me with these books again......LOL

Thanks for keeping the class going even for slackers like me. I really appreciate all you do to make it fun.