new books...

Not one, but three tantalizing books are available in your local bookshop now:

Patricia Seggebruch's Encaustic WorkshopSheri Gaynor's Creative Awakenings
Ann Baldwin's Creative Paint Workshop
Three new books by three extraordinary women. Check 'em out.


notmassproduced said…
tantalising indeed.
T and J said…
I was in Frenzy Stamper and bought the creative awakenings book and thought why hasn't Kelly recommended this book on her blog?
Then I got all smug with myself for having bought a book BEFORE you recommended it.
Just kidding.
I appreciate your book recommends - my floor & bookcase would be empty without all your wonderful suggestions!
Ack-Just what I need, more books to drool over!!!!

Traditional encaustic work is so toxic--it always gave me a headache working with the materials. It'd be nice to learn about safer alternatives!!!
Anonymous said…
Aha! I have 2 of the 3 so I can't blame you for being a bad influence, lol. I stopped by Frenzy over the weekend and picked up Creative Awakenings and the encaustic book. I'm enjoying both.

crimsoncat05 said…
stop it!! my bookshelf is overflowing already!! LOL! (I was up at Frenzy Stamper on Saturday, and managed to miss them... I'll have to go back.)
Mary S. Hunt said…
i just recived my ann baldwin book
this book is great!!!
i have her dvd as well
they go together nicely
if you enjoy this kind of work GET IT!
lynne h said…
i think i must get this ann baldwin book.

your blog was calling my name -- 'lynne, lynne... kelly's got stuff to look at.' : )
