2/27 journal pages

My friend, Cindy Schaben took this picture-below-and asked me to art it up. So, I did ;)

We decided to get out of the house yesterday for a couple of hours. First stop, Amoeba Records in Hollywood where I was looking for anything by Your Heart Breaks. No luck (so I ordered online last night). Next stop was Porto's Bakery in Burbank. I can lick my lips just thinking about them. The BEST bakery, in my small opinion. Well worth the time we always stand in line waiting. Second to last stop of the evening (as the grocery store is just, well, boring. LOL) was my one of my most favorite bookstores, The Iliad in North Hollywood. I found a couple of books I had been looking for including Acme Novelty Library #18 and The Complete Dirty Laundry Comics. Worked on 2 pages last night (the ones above) and then hit the sack with Chris Ware's book. An evening well spent.


Anonymous said…
Awesome pages, Kelly! Your time out sounds like wonderful fun! I'm spending my weekend catching up with you & APAD ... almost done with February.... phew!
Kristin Wilkinson said…
Excellent pages Kelly! 2/27 is my mom's birthday so I did a special page for her. I need to get it scanned in and uploaded!!!

Bakeries are some of my fave places to go. When I was in France I hit every Patisserie in every town or village I went to. Mom and I said we weren't on the painting tour but the bakery tour!

Tonight a friend brought me homemade Baklava. It was to die for!!!!

We have to hit the North End for pastry when you're up this way!!!!! then Downtown Crossing for bread, and Faneuil Hall for.......
Sharyn said…
Just find Kelly a good bloack and white cookie and she'll be happy :)

Love the pages Miss K!!!