Just asking...
I know I'm insane, but I thought I'd put it out there...
IF anyone in their travels happens to find a copy Amazing Spiderman #583 -Obama/Spiderman issue. I'm looking for a COVER PRICE copy of the first edition. It's the one with Obama and Spidey on the cover, it's blue.
I think everyone's gone bonkers with this issue, but I thought I'd throw it out there. If you see one, buy it for yourself and put it in plastic with backing board. Even if you're not a comic fan. Even if you didn't vote for Obama. Put it away for your great grandkids.
OH! and F.U. to the store in Sherman Oaks who wouldn't sell it for cover price but instead wants $50 with a so-called discount. AND this store won an Eisner a couple of years ago-BOO to you. I'll take my business elsewhere.
Peace & Love,
I phoned several stores and one store-the only one who had it-wouldn't quote a price over the phone but they have it on their website. What a bunch of bastards, too. The store was given an Eisner award (the end all be all of comic book awards). I know the store isn't doing too well either. It just aggravates me this whole ebay mentality.
Tristan wants a copy of it. He loves his Spiderman comics and he thinks this one will be interesting with the President Elect in it.