Uncle Forry is gone...

And it still pains me to think that we never had the opportunity to visit the Ackermansion and listen to his stories...We tried once. I remember picking up the phone from IHop in West Hollywood and learning that we were too late to attend the tour that day. We never had another chance...

David and I met him in 1996 at one of the local conventions. A living idol or simply, The Original American Fan, he really was "one of us". A fan boy, the first, living his dream being surrounded by what made him happy: science fiction, fantasy and horror. He showed me his infamous Bela Lugosi ring. I don't really remember what he said only that he didn't stop talking. It was fabulous. He was fabulous and will be very much missed. Thank you, Dr. Acula.

We love you, Uncle Forry!!!!

More here, here, here, here, here and here.
