Some journal pages from yesterday:We went to Opening Day at Santa Anita Racetrack where I managed to make SIX pages. I'll share them with you this weekend. It tops last year's record of four pages ;) David and Tristan watch the races and have fun and I have fun standing in a corner working on my book for races 2 to 6. I brought way too much stuff this year (we didn't know if we were going or not til last minute)'s not a "ton" of stuff (like the stuff I usually bring to teach classes-ha, not) but it was way more then I needed. I was VERY happy.

My friend Sandy asked me where I get my images. Everywhere. Seriously. Books, magazines, my own photos, etc... I'll read a magazine (like Oprah, Real Simple, etc...) and dog ear pages as I go through. Then I'll tear them out when I'm finished. Other times I go to the used bookstores and load up on cheap used books (CHEAP seriously...I don't pay a ton of $ for books I'm going to rip up). I go through and look at things that peak my interest: photography, travel, people, places, things..I also like to alter images. The hand and flower that everyone was commenting on yesterday came from a book of India images. I made copies ('cause I just LOVED the image) to use again and again (I tore the pages out of the book, too, which I don't always do.). I also "colored" the image in using Sweets and Lattes pens and outlining the image using a black Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze pen. I love altering images and using my pens to POP them off the page.

I also will look for images online from time to time doing key word searches for things I'm looking for. I'm also a huge fan of old children's books that have drawings, scratches, scribbling, markings in them.

I really am a firm believer in keeping a journal. You don't even have to call it a journal if that word scares you. Call it a PLAY book. The thing I've noticed is that the more comfortable you become with it, the more you will learn what YOU like-colors, images, etc... You'll see patterns and your own "vocabulary" (images, symbols, words) will start to evolve and develop. I can look back over the years and see how things have changed and grown (even from pages I did a month or so ago and definitely from things I did a couple of years ago).
Try it. ;)


Chris said…
Kelly, this is my journaling year! I am so excited. And you went to the races on opening day?! We tried to get past the traffic and had to do a detour. It was madness!! I'm impressed that you got some pages in. I will have to make it a habit to take my journal everywhere. I love the races, but I am still at the point of thinking the journal is too precious for that kind of danger!

I love your online workshop idea. I wish you the best with that! I have promised myself nothing but journaling this year, so I have not enrolled, but I know it will be a treat for everyone, as you always go the extra mile.

Happy New Year to you!
Anonymous said…
Stop the went to opening day and made pages?? How can you stand it? My eyes would have been glued to the track! =)
Ricë said…
kelly, i just love imagining you out there, out and about, doing journal pages wherever you are. it just makes me happy--
Taylor schapiro said…
That boy of yours grew over Christmas. What are you feeding him?
Kristy C said…
I just love love LOVE these pages Kelly! Very kewl that you were able to do those at the track!!
Megan Warren said…
Thanks for sharing where you get your images - but I have to ask - how do you store them?