In case you forgot...

The *worst* Christmas special ever made. Tristan did not believe his Father and I that it existed.


Anonymous said…!!!!! That was almost painful to watch. I wasn't sure if I would actually make it to the end. I was embarrassed for them...especially Carrie Fisher.
Laurel said…
O. M. G. That is priceless!
Alix said…
And now you have scarred poor Tristan for life!

Of course, in a flash, I was sending this off to my sister to terrorize her, just in case she had forgotten it, too.

Bwahahahaha! Happy Holidays!
Anonymous said…
where in the world??!! I don't
remember anything about this..
ok,Kelly spill with the details.
This is hysterical. My fav holiday
yuk moment!! THanks!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Love your site-visit daily but
couldn't stay anonymous today.
Missy from the bayou
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL, my friend had a copy of this and I remembered seeing it. David and I told Tristan that there was a Star Wars Christmas special and he didn't believe us...

"Yes, Tristan, there is a Star Wars Christmas special and here it is."