Uncle Forry...a.k.a. Forrest J. Ackerman

Yes, it's my 2nd post of the day- I just found this out and had to share-

Those of you who grew up reading Famous Monsters of Filmland, or are sci-fi/horror fans in any way, Uncle Forry isn't doing too well...Ain't it Cool News reports:
"Hey folks, Harry here... I spoke briefly with Forrest J Ackerman earlier today, he wasn't sounding very strong, it hurt to hear his voice knowing that it wouldn't be here with us much longer. But at the same time, it was nice to say goodbye to one another."
Please read the rest here.

Spread the word as fast as you can. If you want to send a brief note, even a "thanks" or love note on a piece of paper, do it *now*.

4511 Russell Avenue
Los Angeles, CA

One of the things that I wanted to do very badly when I first moved to L.A. was to visit the Ackermansion. David and I tried to get there once, but didn't make it. I still think about it every now and then and what an influence Uncle Forry has had on me. We did meet him once, I think it was 1996. (We also saw him several times at various conventions). We talked to him (well, he talked, we listened). He had lots to say (and show) especially about his Bela Lugosi Dracula ring. The man is a living collection.


Laurel said…
He is truly one of a kind. A fan among fans. A collector among collectors. Frankly, I didn't know he was still with us, but sorry to hear that we will probably lose him soon. An original.

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