Two page spread from tonight...

Two more pages from the book I've been working on:
Go savor the pictures in these posts:
You Are What You Love
I just love Sarah's work...
Oh, how I want to go here!!!

Shoebox Secrets

Amazing etsy lust a.k.a. when I win the lottery...Remember this holiday season-shop local and support artists!!!!:
Bird necklace
rose necklace
Owl love!!!!!!!

What am I bringing with me for reading material (sadly, not the Beard book-too heavy!! LOL):
Artful Blogging
Where Women Create
Ordinary Sparkling Moments
Several Jan Beaney/Jean Littlejohn publications ( I LOVE their books and have several)

See y'all after I get back from AZ and CO.


Sandy said…
Love your pages! Great links to the blogs. And I read those magazines too. LOL

I hope you have a great time at your classes. I want to see photos. Please.....:D
Auntie Karen said…
Have fun in Colorado. Wave to the mountains for me, tell them I miss them.
Cheralyn Darcey said…
Hi Kelly!
Thanks so much for your kind words. I LOVE and ADORE your work and blog so it's high praise indeed!! Take care... only wish I lived closer as I would love to take your classes.
Cheralyn xx
Swirly said…
I'm honored you've brought along my book!!
Anonymous said…
I've been looking over your blog. I love your work. I was reading your comments about election day and what all of us want for our country. I'm trying to spread the word...Obama has set up a transition web site...people can go there and leave their ideas about what needs to be done in this country, etc. The address is:

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