More of my "Reclaimed" An Altered Artist's Book...

Here's another glimpse into the altered book I've been working on lately. It's a class that I'm debuting at Staci's home studio in Thousand Oaks on Dec 13th (yes, the class is open to the public!! :) You can email me to sign up).Did I tell you I was lucky enough to be given a sewing machine from a friend of mine?? Thank you Miss LFire ;).

I spent some time on Friday at my friend Kara's house. She was kind enough to thread my sewing machine and to explain a few things about it to me. After that, I was off and running. Woo hoo! I kept making little happy sounds as I sewed merrily through paper. Now I need to clear off my work table so I have room for the sewing machine. I was going to do that today but my stupid back is still bothering me so it will probably have to wait until I come back from AZ and CO.

In the news-

Phase 2 of Executive Suite Branch Art in GA

Don't Let The Bastards Have Your Vote!

Running the Numbers: An American Self Portrait

Detroit Residents and Firemen Denounce Social Decay in Fire Deaths


ginny said…
The new altered book class looks really, really cool. Love the sewing. My machine is still in the box because I don't know how to use it. Shame on me.

You are always doing something new. Good for you.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you Ginny for your kind words!

Sewing machines have scared the hell out of me for years (from an incident in childhood). Not anymore ;) though I am still worried about sewing through my finger-LOL!!!!

I figure I'll "learn" how to use it by using it.

Seth said…
More amazing pages!

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