I'm in love...I'm in love...

Guess what I picked up last night? Danny Gregory's An Illustrated Life. My heart skips a beat every time I open the book. It is definitely, most definitely, one of THE best books of 2008. You need it. Now. The book is FULL and weighty. Lots of artists. All types of artists. Some you know very well and others you will get to know. The book contains written insight into each artist. It's also chock full of journal pages and even-get this-pages of their work space?!?!!? Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my mouth. Seriously, I am in love with this book.

Danny Gregory has NEVER disappointed me with a book publication. This one is just jaw dropping. You'll want one for the holidays. You'll want to give copies of it to every artist and wanna be artist on your list.


GoodchefT said…
Don't hold back your excitement now.
Sherry Goodloe said…
It's on my list now! *smiles*
Anonymous said…
Hey girl, long time no see or talk to. Miss you... I'm back on the right track again, we need to get together soon.... Love ya, Tammie www.myartsoulwings.tyepad.com
Anonymous said…
oh, i am running into blogs everywhere that recommend this book! funny! it's on my list. i'm waiting to get it from my local shop . . . but i had to tell you that it DOES look like an exciting treasure! i love your exuberance. :)
lee said…
I have ordered from Amazon, just waiting it to come to me. I am excited now by your reivew ...I can hardly wait to get my hands on it.
Sandy said…
I can't wait to pick up this book. Glad to hear it's great. I knew it would be.
Seth said…
Waiting for it to be shipped. Even more eager now that is has the Kilmer stamp of approval!