Home again, home again...

We're backkkkkk...
Wow. What a road trip. Dad, Tristan and I had a ton of fun (although munchkin was fighting a cold). I didn't take a lot of pictures, in fact, I only took a couple of dozen photos! Most of the road shots were very blurry and didn't come out that great. You'll see some of my favorites below.

Tristan and I left last Wednesday morning for Scottsdale, AZ. I taught Wednesday night at Frenzy Stamper and had a BLAST!!!!! It was a short 2 hour class, but we managed to get a fun book bound and the outside painted in 2 hours. As always, it was great seeing Debbie and the Gang!!!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys again in February (samples are in the store-woo hoo!)

We stayed the night at the Days Inn in Scottsdale next to the mall. We were up early the next morning and ready to hit the road. We drove the 40 to the 25, passing some nice scenery along the way. It took us about 16 hours to drive from Scottsdale to Fort Collins. It was nice to be able to sleep in a little bit on Friday morning, not having to teach until 1. I had a great weekend teaching in two separate locations. On Friday, I taught at Bev's gorgeous home (filled with art and inspiration). Saturday and Sunday, I taught across the street from the Artists' Nook and I Loved how we could totally spread out-tables and tables full of art stuff. Woo hoo!!! Usually Christine has the classes in the shop, but Venita Hawkins-Bird has an amazing exhibit up right now that opened Friday night. Also, Bev Perina had a great art and antique show up all weekend (happy that I could see both shows and help support local artists). Long story short, the weekend was a BLAST. I'll be back at The Artists' Nook in November 2009 and I can't wait. I love teaching there. Love my AZ and CO buds!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are the pictures I promised-

Tristan and his BaPa (talking to Nana on the phone)Here's one of the classroom shots from the workshop on Sunday-Here she is, Miss Venita in front of a small portion of her AMAZING art show!!! See the Buddha and lotus in the background to the left? I bought a print of it. I LOVE love love it. Check out more of Venita's work here. Did I also tell you that Venita's Mother took my class!?!?! I LOVE her Mom. Now I know where Venita's talent comes from ;) Venita's an extremely talented artist and just an all around amazing woman. Make sure you check out her site (and her blog!!)
Now you know I couldn't do a post without posting the goodies that I picked up on the road.
I shopped at:

Frenzy Stamper Scottsdale AZ

The Artists' Nook Bellvue CO

Scrapbooks, etc Mesa AZ

The Paper Studio Tempe AZ

I love whatever this flower is. It was outside the breakfast area of the Days Inn in Scottsdale:

I'm playing catch up still on email and life and all that. I'm teaching TWO new classes this weekend in Thousand Oaks (email me to sign up!!) and at Stampin' From The Heart in L.A.

Love love the Yes Men. Article here and fake NY Times cover here. Anyone have a copy that they want to give up?? I want one!!!
Oprah mentioned an offer to print a book for FREE. It's got a limited time period. More here.

Lynda Barry classes are next week. I am so happy I could just SQUEAL!!!!!


Anonymous said…
What a lot of cool stuff you got! The flower looks like (wild) lantana.
lynne h said…
welcome back kelly! i LOVE these photos of tristan and your dad! i swear tristan gets older looking every time you post a pic of him!

Sandy said…
Wow Tristan is growing up, he looks so different from the last photos and I can see the resemblance to his BaPa.

I love love love all the stuff you bought. It looks like you're going to be having lots of fun in the future and I can't wait to see the pages you create with this.

Thanks for the link to the mock NY Times article. How cool is that? I printed it out for fun in my scrapbook.

Love the flower photo, don't know what it is but it's beautiful. Sounds like you had a great time and thanks for sharing the link to Venita's page. Her art is amazing and I will be drooling over her site in a few. Great work.

Thanks for the Oprah freebie, I'll be getting one of those and I want that Lynda Barry book. I click on the preview and her work is great. And you're taking her classes? How awesome. I remember you're meeting her at the Comic Con so I know how much you love her.

Thanks for sharing all the photos and links. Great stuff.
Marrianna said…
The flower in Scottsdale is a Mexican Bird of Paradise. It grows all over the Valley and doesn't like water. Yes, it is beautiful. I have pressed some of them and they lose their color but still look intriguing. In fact, I think I posted a photo of a journal spread ala Kelly Kilmer's favorite things. Marrianna
Anonymous said…
How cool all this stuff is ! I love especially owls and buddhas, awsome, really ;) I'm jealous hihi
The flower is a Mexican Bird of Paradise. I see someone else already told ya. Oh well. Doble confirmation. I also see I need to get in to Frenzy to see the samples for your next classes here! YAY!

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