Dreaming of Faces...

I love, love, love Sara Lechner's work. LOVE. Now she has a new book out that I can lust over (wish for):Make sure you run on over to her site and click on everything. There's a ton to look at!!!!


I love this idea...in a world where touch and sometimes even speaking to a stranger is frowned upon, Richard Renaldi's photographs are turning that idea upside down. Photos here. Interview here.

They've shut our water off for 4 hours today to "fix" something in the building. I hope whatever they "fix" gets rid of the rust in our water.

On Wednesday, So CA Edison is shutting our power off for 8 (!!) hours. I am hoping that the weather is cool and not like it's been lately. We've had our windows closed since we started smelling the fires on Friday night. Ash and the smell of smoke is still heavy in the air. I'm hoping that Tristan's school keeps the kids inside all day. It just smells outside. I was coughing a lot last night and my throat hurt. My heart is with the firefighters and fire victims. My heart is always heavy when California starts to burn.


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