
Totally spoiled rotten today. (Husband will kill me for posting this picture. *love you* honey!)Did I ever tell you my husband and son make the best cake!?!!!?Some of the things my friends spoiled me with yesterday-
"Grab boxes"
First off is Staci's box-Then Kara's box-Then Carmen's box-Aren't the boxes gorgeous and amazing!?!??!!

My jaw dropped when I Kara gave me my presents-look at what she made for me. My heart grew wings and just flew away. I LOVE this piece:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *and* a vintage scrapbook, too:Carmen knows how obsessive I am with these Paumes books:Staci gifted me with:Vintage finds from Pasadena...I just go ga ga over stuff like this. The History book is written in.I told you I was regressing. Not much difference between 34 and 8.The best gift of all is the love and friendship I have felt in the past 24 hours. Lots of wonderful birthday wishes from around the world and in my neighborhood. Good friends and a loving family. I really don't need much more.

On a side note, my son is obsessed that this is my 1,001 post.
If you watched the video below, you know how high you jumped (probably as high as I did)...even funnier was my Mom's reaction. Hee hee. I phoned her and told her to check her email as I sat on the phone and listened. Her reaction and the laughter that followed (on both of our ends-L.A. and Boston) made my day.


Judy Wise said…
Happy Birthday, o illustrious leader. It looks like you were honored properly. Love from this quarter too. xoxoxoxoxox (((((hug)))))
Sandy said…
Awww he shouldn't be mad what a beautiful family. Love all the pics of your "loot". Love the cake, homemade cakes are the best or so I think.

I planned to post a Happy Birthday to you yesterday but with all that we had going on I got really busy and forgot. So sorry it's one day late. At least you can keep celebrating for one more day.
Trish said…
happy birthday! What a wonderful family you have-and 1,001 posts-wow!!!
Jeane Frizzell said…
Is that Tristan's artwork behind your family photo? I loved the cityscape! What a great idea for a lesson! :)
Anonymous said…
Birthday wishes to you! Whan an incredible amount of cool loot!
Barbara Hagerty said…
Aww, Kelly, I'm late! But HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway, and keep on celbrating!! Can't wait for the XXX class at Frenzy!! We'll have to make sure you get a chocolate pnut butter cupcake from Sprinkles!!
paintandink said…
What awesome gifts! Happy birthday!
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday!! Looks like it was a good one! And I almost passed out when I saw the strawberry shortcake minis! I am a collector, too! Not too often I meet someone who gets it! Yeah!!