A Question Before the Election...

(old journal page)

I have a question for you. Yes, *you*. I'd like you to leave a comment in the comments section. You can leave your name or you can be anonymous. You can leave who you are voting for or you don't have to say. Come this election day, what do you expect? What do you think will happen if your candidate gets into office? What do you expect that person to do? What do you want them to do?

What are your thoughts?

All opinions are welcome. No one will be condemned or applauded. I just am looking for honest answers.

Thanks for your time.


Anonymous said…
I would vote for Obama. Once people get into office though, I think they are influenced by other people and other sources, and I think they really can't be true there original ideal.
Anonymous said…
Here you go: I'm not expecting anything...I think we're all in for a wild ride and I don't think either candidate can "fix" anything..maybe in the second term...oh...and I think the majority of the people are going to vote for the wrong candidate who is going to cost ALL OF US a bunch of money...and what for? Wait and see...
Laurel said…
I'm proudly voting for Obama, and though I know he can't save the world overnight, I'm thinking he's our best chance in that direction!
T and J said…
I don't expect much but my fantasy is we get the hell out of the Middle East, have health care coverage that is affordable for everyone, we kill all the gang bangers - legal or illegal, housing would be affordable and somehow our education system would be updated and changed.
Anonymous said…
I'm absolutely voting for McCain. I think we're in for big trouble if Obama wins. His policies are naive and even his own vice presidential candidate said world policy is going to be a problem if he wins. Although things probably won't be fantastic with McCain, he's a true leader and I will at least feel a whole lot safer if he's the president.

Not expecting anything--just hoping for something good!!
Shoshanah said…
i NEED obama to win. i fear he won't. i have no idea what is going to happen because of all the STUPID people who fear him because of his name or color of his skin. give me a freakin' break. anyway, i agree that it is hard for a new president to really change much in the first term. he'll have a long road ahead of him, lots of messes to clean up, and some major butt-saving to be done. i NEED obama to win. i NEED to have faith in my govt. and country again.
Anonymous said…
I already early voted for Obama. It wasn't a decision I took lightly or made in haste. I am a Republican who has always voted for whom I thought was the best candidate, period. I have voted for Republicans more often than not. But this time, I had to go with whom I thought was at least honest. McCain wasn't even honest enough to tell Cindy how old he was when he first met her, and neither was she. He has since been found guilty of falsehoods in his biography. After his wife waited all those years for him to come home from being a prisoner of war, her repaid her by cheating on her when he returned. If either of them cheated today, their credibility as a candidate would be blown out of the window. Why doesn't history of cheating count against a guy? If a man can't even be that honest, how can we trust him? I know running the country is not about writing a biography or trying to pick up on someone for a date or being married, but I think it shows a lot about a person's character. NBC has been doing segments on each of the two, and last night's question was about what they would want on their tombstones. McCain gave some politically correct answer about serving his country. Obama said he wants to be known as a good father and husband. Here is a guy who knows how to prioritize even in the heat of the campaign. McCain comes across as nothing more than a politician, and Obama comes across as the kind of guy you would want for a dad if you had a choice. I think that says a lot about character. Heart in the right place goes a long way. He may not have as much experience in politics, but both will have advisors, and I believe Obama will surround himself with more honest well meaning people to guide him. I honestly believe that either of them will have a tough job and change will be slow, but I believe at the end of four years, the world will be a more peaceful, thoughtful and solid place than it is today of Obama gets the job.
Lorraine said…
I often wonder why anyone would want to run for the top office and subject themselves and their families to such intense scrutiny. Every past word or action, hair do, tax paid, employee/employer story, war record...everything and everyone to be picked apart and second guessed. Remember Colin Powell saying no because he didn't want to do that to his loved ones?
Anonymous said…
I am voting for Obama. I think he will listen, gather info. and make decisions based on advice from knowledgeable people. I think he understands what "ordinary" people deal with every day. We will all need to sacrifice and work together in the coming years.
Sherry Goodloe said…
In one word . . . CHANGE!
GObama.. I am ready for some change and while I know he will be under much influence should he make it to the White House, I am hopeful that he could begin to turn things around for our country and keep true to his visions.
Sandy said…
I voted for McCain. It didn't matter to me what color he was. I don't judge people based on their color or if they are male or female. I voted the way I did because I don't feel that Obama is experienced enough to lead my country. I believe that McCain may have his faults, everyone does, none of us are perfect, including the President of the U.S.A. I believe Obama is telling Americans what they want to hear at a time when moral is low. We have a lot of economic issues going on in our country that people are solely trying to blame on the Bush administration when they started in the Clinton administration. No one realizes that Obama has his speeches written for him just like McCain does, this is what makes him a good speaker.

I also don't think anyone realizes that once a candidate makes it into office they rarely do what they promised while campaigning and I don't want to take that chance with someone who is that inexperienced. I don't care if they chanted Change for months and months. I want someone with some experience to be able to back up our country and make some decisions when some terriost is attacking my country.

As far as healthcare is concerned, I'm all for people being able to afford it. But on his healthcare plan it does say within the next 5 years. As a Nurse I feel there is a lot to do to change healthcare and it will take more than a President to do it. The drug companies need to quit charging so much, the hospitals need to quit charging outrageous amounts of money for items($7 for one pill) and I don't feel that Obama is going to be able to sweep in and do this with his magic wand.

There is no "miracle" cure for the state our world is in right now. Their isn't going to be a magic wand to fix it. I have hope and I pray for our country all the time. I think it's sad that people are placing their hope on one man for our "Change". I don't expect anything from our new President, I don't pray to him.

Just my opinion.....
Anonymous said…
I am voting for McCain because of his positions and his experience. People say if you want McCain that you don't want Obama for his color or his name, but that plays absolutely no part in my decision. I would be proud to have a black president, or a woman president, but I don't want it to be Obama.

His tax plans are very detrimental to our society, as has been spelled out by numerous financial analysts. We may be in the next great depression if Obama wins. As for his health care plan, Obama want goverment healthcare and I am absolutely against government healthcare. I pay my own health insurance and it's a hardship, but at least when I want to go to the doctor, I can get in in a reasonable amount of time and I can go to who I want to.
I feel McCain is much more experienced in world affairs and would do a much better job.

The main reason I don't want Obama is I have never seen a man so connected to so many absolutely terrible people. Some of the worst people in our society. Even ACORN is a dishonest group that is now being investigated. The media covers it up most of the time because they lean Democrat, but if you research it there is just too much of it to take lightly. I feel if you know even lightly that many terrible people, then your judgement is impaired. As for the Reverend Wright, I would have had more respect for Obama if he had just admitted to his relationship and stood by it, but to be associated with an individual like this for twenty years, worship in that environment and then when it hurt him, just deny it and abandon the church, again I believe this is poor judgement and certainly not who I want to run the country.
Anonymous said…
actually, I unfortunately don't think much will change, no matter which of them wins. I can HOPE they're sincere in their campaign promises, but I don't have much faith in our system of government in general, anymore... I truly hope I'm wrong!
Anonymous said…
I don't feel that we will ever truly know a candidate, the media plays such a profound role in what we believe, and I'm not so trusting of their input. I do put my faith and trust in God and pray that He will lead our next president in the direction that our country needs. We all agree that we need change, but I sometimes wonder if it ever occurs to people that change is hard and difficult, and doesn't always seem like the most likely path at the time? An easy ride doesn't mean anything but hardships in the future, maybe it's payday. I'm sick of free rides and handouts, and people complaining about our country that provides so much safety and freedom to pursue our dreams. People, wake up and pursue those dreams with your own actions, and don't stop at a vote.
Anonymous said…
Just hoping that Prop. 8 is defeated so that all gays and lesbians have the right to marry Margot and I were married in June, 4 years after we filed our domestic partnership papers. It would be wonderful to know that Californians won't be swayed by hate, ignorance and fear.
Erin in Morro Bay
Anonymous said…
I appreciate Kelly opening up the discussion. I truely have not made up my mind and appreciate reading others thoughts. We can't talk at work with out someone being offended, so we don't.
I have my work cut out for me this weekend. My son just joined the Air Force, so I have that to contend with. I want him to have a good commander in chief.
I also agree that there is no easy fix to all the problems we are experiencing. We didn't get here over night, and it won't be solved by electing a President. We have to elect a wise House of Representative too.
I also agree with the comments about how good we still have it compared to many other places in the world.
I will rely on my God to give me comfort and strength to handle all that is ahead of us. He is able to handle whatever the country chooses because He is ultimately in charge!
Thanks again Kelly
Anonymous said…
I have early voted for Obama. I have been doing a great deal of reading up on both candidates. John McCain now appears to me as a changeling. He will do and say anything to gain office. It appears from all the books I have read which mention him, that he has been an opportunist from an early age.
Obama, on the other hand, has had to work hard to get where he is. I read his book about his early life which was written 13 years ago. He was then not thinking about running for office, but trying to find where he belonged. In my opinion, one has to define "Black" to me. He had a white mother, a black father. His father was totally absent during his childhood except for a month long visit when he was 10. He will understand how to try to bring the races together.
Like many of you remarked previously, we desperately need change in our country. I honestly do not think that McCain is capable of doing that. I think Obama really has a good heart. He may not succeed, but we need to give him a chance.
Anyone with half a brain cannot possibly think Sarah Palin would make a good president. Talk about opportunists! She and McCain appear to made from the same shallow mold. I fear for us if they win.
I hope we all pull together and try to make our country stronger instead of just complaining.about what is wrong with it.
ayesha said…
I voted for Barack Obama a few weeks ago via early ballot. I agree with a lot of the things people have already said. I believe that I have chosen the best candidate.

I think he will take on the health care industry, immigration and foreign policy in a way that it hasn't been addressed before and I look forward to that. He also supports comprehensive sex education, which I feel is HUGELY needed (as an educator).

It frustrates me when I read about how people buy into the idea that Obama has faulty relationships- please attempt to be educated before you just throw out smears. I agree that no one is perfect, but know the facts before you just start throwing out slurs and rumors. If you want to research faulty connections and relationships, McCain was formally cited by an Ethics Committee in a case. Might be something of interest to look into.

Regardless, we have a long way to go to truly be a country of the ideals we were founded on. I hope that Americans can come together and be the great nation we are supposed to be.
jet1960 said…
I would love to be able to feel that there IS a right candidate running for this very important office, but unfortunately don't have any confidence in either man.

Wouldn't it be nice to have politicians standing up saying what they really feel and want to say instead of what advisors have told them to quote. I guess what I want is an honest politician and there just "ain't no such animal".

As far as I can tell, both sides have not only lied about where they stand but also about the other side. The media lies, distorts, and presents whatever meets the agenda of those running that particular station.

Campaign promises are just so much hot air and really don't mean a thing.

I agree with those who have said that we need to pray. Pray that whoever gets elected will have the best interests of the country in their heart and not those who contributed to their campaigns and pocketbooks. It will take a miracle for that to happen.