Mixed Media Workshops October 17-19th at Stampers Warehouse in Danville

I'm heading back up North next weekend to teach at Stampers Warehouse in Danville teaching FIVE NEW Mixed media workshops. I'm looking forward to it as it's one of my favorite locations to teach at!

The Storyteller 5 hours What is a journal but a teller of a story-your story? In this workshop, we will make a unique artist’s book. Page by page, we will start to “Tell” your story weaving layers of acrylic mediums, collage ephemera and the written word. Accompanying this workshop will be a handout full of new ideas and exercises guaranteed to bring any story teller out and onto the page.

Supply list- Students should, please, bring to class: Scissors, bone folder, cork backed metal ruler, 3 1" bristle brushes to paint and glue with, container to hold water, small selection of collage ephemera to use, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels. Questions? Please email Kelly at Egorey99 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Revelations: Revealing the layers-2 hours In this mixed media workshop, we will dig deep unearthing layers of paint and paper. Learn a plethora of new techniques while creating a unique artist's book! We will explore new ideas utilizing paint, paper and glue. If you like the "layered" look and learning new techniques, you will LOVE this workshop!

SUPPLY LIST- small selection of collage ephemera, Scissors,bone folder, 2 or 3 bristle brushes to paint and glue (no foam please), cork backed metal ruler, black permanent ink pad (likeVersafine or Memories *if you have one*), container to hold water in, roll of paper towels, and a roll of waxed paper. The instructor will be supplying an array of professional artist acrylics and mediums, rubberstamps, collage ephemera, and all necessary materials.

What Next 5 hours You’ve made your journal, your altered book, your artist’s book. In fact, you’ve probably made more the one. You’ve got the gusto, now get the inspiration, the ideas and new techniques you’ve been craving for. In this workshop, we will spend the class working hands on IN the pages of your book. You will learn new mixed media techniques (yup, we’ll cover it all-all NEW ideas!!) that will have you reaching for your paint brush or glue stick on a regular basis! You will need a journal or several sheets of heavy cardstock for this class!

Supply list- Students should, please, bring to class: Journal (see description), Scissors, bone folder, cork backed metal ruler, 3 1" bristle brushes to paint and glue with, container to hold water, small selection of collage ephemera to use, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels. Questions? Please email Kelly

About Face 2 hours
Learn how to use acrylic paints and various mixed media supplies combined with various collage elements to create your own, unique painted face. In this workshop, we’ll start with some hands on learning and exploring how to create your own rainbow world of flesh colors. Then, we’ll dive right in and make our own artist’s book of exquisite and original hand painted collaged faces. Your head will be spinning with new ideas. This is not a drawing class, but I guarantee you will love what we do!

Supply List-Please bring 1 or 2 magazines with a variety of faces to choose from (hair styling magazines are great for this class!), a small variety (3 or 4) detailed brushes in various small sizes for detail work, Scissors, bone folder, 3 bristle brushes to paint and glue (no foam please), cork backed metal ruler,container to hold water in, roll of paper towels, and a roll of waxed paper. The instructor will be supplying an array of professional artist acrylics and mediums, rubber stamps, collage ephemera, and all necessary materials.

Swatches: Little Paper Books 5 hours I'm absolutely addicted to these
little books. I guarantee after this class, you'll be too! After you pick from a hodge podge of "found" papers, you will assemble a variety of little paper books. We will quickly assemble a small pile of "swatches" learning a quick and easy bookbinding stitch as you go. We will then start to work quickly on the pages (but not too quickly) working in multiple books at one time, listening to our muses (no criticism only soft whispers of "go for it..."), we will collage, stamp, paint, doodle, stitch and play on the pages. You will learn how to work fast. You will learn a variety of new mixed media collage techniques. You will walk out with a small pile of books that you can toss in a bag and bring with you anywhere and everywhere.
Supply list-
Students should, please, bring to class: Favorite Glue stick, Scissors, bone folder
, cork backed metal ruler, 3 1" bristle brushes to paint and glue with, container to hold water, small selection of collage ephemera to use, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels. Questions? Please email Kelly at Egorey99 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net Stampers Warehouse is located at:
The Village
101-J Town and Country Drive
Danville, California 94526
Phone: (925) 362-9595

Hope to see YOU there!


Sandy said…
Wow Wow Wow Kelly. I love all of these. I think I've said that before. They are all just awesome. Just looking at them makes me want to go work in my journal. Today of course I don't have time. That means I'll be grumpy later. LOL I esp. love the way your painted backgrounds look. How do you get them to do that? I know to let each layer dry first but how do you make the colors look like "that". I hope you know what I mean. Thanks. Have fun with the workshops, I know you will. And thanks for your visit and comments. I appreciate them.