Elyce's book

Hope she likes it!

I'll be 34 on Friday. Reminiscing lately about the music I listened to in high school, 17 years ago. Cripes, is "Up All Night" really almost 20 years old!?!? Fall 1991, I was a senior in High School (Notre Dame Academy in Hingham, MA). I had my Dad's red Acura which I'd drive to and from school listening to my tunes...Ozzy's No More Tears, Skid Row's Slave to the Grind, etc... when WAAF was still a good station. When 'BCN rocked. Doesn't seem that long ago...driving down the driveway from NDA and having my friend Jenn stop her car (in the long line of traffic that wasn't going anywhere any ways), jump out (still in her uniform, blouse hanging out of her skirt) and yell "QUEENSRYCHE! Geoff Tate is God" LOL!!!!! It's still wet your pants funny if I think about it.

Yup. 17 years ago. Eeps. I was a geek then and I'm still a geek now. Proud of it, too! But when did my music become oldies??? That's what my parents listen to...not me (well, I do listen to oldies, but my music ain't oldies!!!). It's like the day I turned on VH-1 and they were playing my music. WTF?

Yeah, I was the "good" kid. The only thing I ever did "bad" that got me into trouble (other then accidentally pulling the front bumper off of the red acura pulling out of our dangerous driveway on Beale Street in Quincy and trying to watch the speeding traffic instead of looking to see how close I was to the damn pole in the garage) was to stay out late TWICE. BOTH times I was with people who were I guess, "supervising" me. Getting into an 21+ show of two Boston bands at a club in Quincy (with two friends who were 21+ from Kentucky..and the fact that one of the band member's Dad was their manager and who got me into the club saying he'd watch out for me. He did. I didn't drink then and I still don't drink now.)...The other time was going into downtown Boston with my friend Missy, her brother and her Mom to see Hardline (well worth it, not only did we get to meet the band for the gazillionth time but Johnny Gioeli sang to me that night. Damn that was a good night). Yup. Both times Dad was waiting on the couch for me when I got home. Oops. Half my lifetime ago.
October is horror movie month in our house. We've been enjoying various films from the Val Lewton Horror Collection (DVD). Last night, David and I were up late watching The Ghost Ship.

I'm reading French Milk and dreaming of going to France. Some day.
Lines and Shapes #5 is out now. It's good...(they all are).
Happy Birthday, Bev!
Happy Anniversary, Erin & Marc!


Sandy said…
Wow Elyce's book looks great. You did a great job on it. I'm sure she will be thrilled.

I remember all the same music you're talking about because I listened to it too. And it's sad because they call it Classic Rock now or oldies as you say. My 14 yr. old loves it too though so there's a good point. He also listens to alternative like me though. LOL

You brought back lots of old memories of the "things" I used to do and make my Dad made. LOL I'm 37 but I sure don't feel a day over 18. It's all in what you make of it.
Unknown said…
Oh My God!!! I LOVE the book, Kelly. Thanks for all of your support & for opening so many doors for me. Have a most fabulous birthday!! Elyce
Lorraine said…
Hey you spring chicken! I just went to my 40th reunion from John Marshall High School not too far from you...so stop with the "old" stuff!!! Like the books...
OMG... you're making me laugh! Well... I'm slightly *cough* older than you are but... I know I put just about every gray hair on my mother's head... I started "clubbing" when I was 15 and it was all down-hill from there (though in Montreal the legal drinking age was 18, so I wasn't *too* far off)... glad I got it all out of my system, though... ;^) By the time I got to my mid-20s I was ready to move on from all of the excitement... LOL My mom wished that I would have a child that would torment me equally ... I'm still sort of holding my breath, but my boy's pretty good... hope mom doesn't get her way! LOL


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