And now a pause...

I took the above pictures in August in Rockport, MA using my sister's camera...been waiting for forever for them, so I could share them here. I'm afraid of bees (though they are quite an important part of our eco system, they scare the shit out of me!) so it took a lot to stand still and take the pictures with bees buzzing in abundance around me.

Leaving in the a.m. for Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale. Very excited!! Looking forward (as always) to a fun, art filled weekend. More info here.


Some books for you to check out:

Handmade Nation Good. Very good. Go get. Now. Can't wait for the movie.

To Each His Home I don't have it but I want it. Really badly. Every time I go to the bookstore, I peruse it...and wipe the drool off my face. Seriously on my wish list.

Totoro Forest Project Love it. Spent bill money on it. Limited number of copies available. Well worth the $. $ goes to a damn good cause. Who can resist anything Totoro?

Gentle Art of Domesticity Want to wrap myself in the photos and lie under a tree. It's like a vacation without having to go anywhere. Author's blog here.

Go keep yourself busy on this site. Pass it on.

Off to Scottsdale I go! More later!


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the cool links! I love your shots...must be a good journal page in these pics!
Oh I love your blog!
I'm officially adding you to my "You Are Way Cooler Than I'll Ever Be New Friend List" ! XXxx
Anonymous said…
beautiful photos.

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