And the good news is...

MY "Favorite" NEIGHBOR MOVED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Party. My place. LOL!!!!


Angie in AZ said…
OMG, this is a day you have been waiting for well, forever! Woohoooo! Celebration time! I'm so happy for you! Now maybe you'll get a REAL favorite neighbor! Hey, if you could get a new landlord, that would be good too, wouldn't it?
Anonymous said…
YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Save a margarita for me!
Let the celebrations begin! Congrats, Kelly - I know the feeling! Celebrate!!!
Auntie Karen said…
Congrats! I am so happy for you. What a huge relief this must be. All the neighbors should be happy too.
Anonymous said…
LOL!! Hooray! I'll bring the guacamole.
T and J said…
Are you sure?

Did he move out or was he evicted?

This is cause to celebrate!!!

I pray you get peaceful, quiet, calm, decent, good new neighbours to replace him.

I wonder how much they will raise the rent now that he's out.
ginny said…
Yay for you!
I hope you get a great new neighbor soon.
Alix said…

I'm bringing the gesso and the root beer!
rscoach said…
OMG! WHEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOO! I'm sending good vibes for a wonderful - quiet - considerate new neighbor - so happy for you - hugs - reva
Sandy said…
Good for you!!! Yea. So happy for you.

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