Random Stuff...meanderings...ponderings...seriously, just off the top of my head stuff...

Some pictures I've been meaning to post...from our Boston trip-
Um, this is what happens when your sister leaves you and your son alone in her car while she goes into the bank and inside of her car is a bag of your old My Little Ponies. (I wish the bag had all of them in it...*heh heh*) And yes, this was totally my doing, not Tristan's in any way. Hmm...I wonder where their hair brushes are? I loved My Little Ponies, but had a thing for anything doll or animal like. My other favorite toys (in addition to my stuffed animals) were my Sea Wees, Smurfs, Barbie (sometimes I wonder if I liked the shit she came with more then Barbie...like the house, the car, the tiny shoes, the animals and all of their "stuff"...I loved playing with Barbie and chewing on her feet. C'mon fess up, how many kids in the 80's DIDN'T chew on Barbie's feet?), Charmkins, Dollypops (OMG I LOVED these), Weebles, Fashion plates, Monchhichi, Penny Racers (thanks Grandpa! We could compromise over presents...He'd take me to Caldors and say pick something. I'd pick like a Strawberry Shortcake doll and he would have a racing car set in his hands...we both won in the end. I have pictures of him playing with my car sets he'd buy "me".), Poochie! (OH I LOVED Her stationery stuff), stickers and sticker albums, little popples, pound puppies, Strawberry Shortcake (I still have all of them in the berry case and they all still smell!), Fisher Price "Little People" (my Aunt Sis still has a lot of this stuff. I LOVED playing with it.), etc... Funny thing is-I always had a doll or stuffed animal with me at all times...even in 8th grade, I would hide one in my backpack at school. ALWAYS. I didn't leave the house without something. I loved the "little things" 'cause you could hide them in your pocket and no one would know you had it, except you. Do you believe I still have all of this stuff? I have all of my stuffed animals all of my little toys. Old friends. Memories. Little secrets we still hold. Good journal prompts. Rockport, MA who wouldn't want to live here?***

Picked Tristan up yesterday after his first day of 6th grade. His little head floating in a sea of other little (well, and some big) heads...I remember in Kindergarten how little the kids looked, now the 6th graders look small compared to the 8th graders! Eeps!

Any ways, picked him up and he had LOTS of stories to tell. Not sure how much luck we are having lately with teachers. Last year was a roller coaster ride. This year, he tells me that his home room teacher is also his math and science teacher (oh joy-sorry ;) I was an English major).
Well, he tells me that she spent all day yelling at them and that they have to be in bed by 8:30/9:00. If they're not, she can tell (this is what she tells them). If they're not in bed by 9:00, she's going to call social services on their parents and their parents will be arrested. She tells them that social services will come to their house and check. Uh, okay. So, I take a deep breath and tell Tristan that it's only the first day and maybe her sense of humor is warped and twisted (well, mine is, but not like this). Then he tells me that she's a former insurance agent and something weird (I still can't figure it out) happened to her son and she's suing the pants off of someone for everything they've got. Uh, okay. The good news is he can take dance instead of P.E. (Bad news for me-double whammy: not only do I have to now buy a P.E. "uniform", but I also have to buy dance shoes. LOL!!!) The other good news is that his English and History teacher (same person) is very nice. He's shy and quiet at break times and decided to bring a comic book with him today (Godland by Joe Casey and Tom Scioli). While looking over one of the books he brought home last night, I found out that they have a film club. I suggested that he look into that. I also said maybe he could start a comic book club at school...just a thought. We're taking things day by day here this week...


Did you hear that not only Bill Melendez but also Don LaFontaine died?


So much for free speech.


Jennifer Emerling takes *the* coolest pictures.


Two blogs I've been meaning to link to:

Treasuring-Jessica Gonacha's blog (where I found out about Jennifer Emerling)

Julia Pott


GoodchefT said…
Ok.. I fess up.
I chewed on the plastic ears of a
dog toy that I named Fuji.

And I mean chewed.

Don't know if I was working out childhood frustrations or having fun.

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